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CSR for Parasport


Understanding the Distinction: Social Responsibility vs. Corporate Social Responsibility

In today’s world, ethical conduct and responsibility have become critical considerations across various domains, including the business realm. As the business landscape grows increasingly diverse and challenging, there are specific ethics and rules that should be followed to ensure harmony within the business community and beyond. Two concepts that often come up in this context are social responsibility and corporate social responsibility (CSR). While these terms may appear similar, they possess distinct characteristics and implications. This article aims to shed light on the disparity between social responsibility and corporate social responsibility, exploring their definitions, applications, aims, and participants. By delving into these nuances, individuals and organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of these concepts and their implications.

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Building Bridges: Uniting Paralympic Committees and CSR Companies for Lasting Impact

In the dynamic world of parasport, the collaboration between Paralympic Committees and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) companies has become a catalyst for positive change. This blog explores the value of partnerships between Paralympic Committees and CSR companies, showcasing successful examples and emphasizing the enduring benefits that can be achieved when bridging the gap between sports organizations and corporate social responsibility. Join us as we delve into the transformative synergy between these entities, shaping a more inclusive and socially conscious parasport landscape. 

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CSR research in Parasport has started

Partners of the project „CSR for Parasport“ has begun with Research of corporate investments and fund-raising activities into sports for children and people with disabilities.

The Research is managed by the Croatian Paralympic Committee which is coordinating development of methodology system, field research, conducting questionnaires and interviews (data collection) with companies and sport organizations, data analysis in 4 EU countries.

The main activity of the current WP2 is to conduct data collection with companies and sport organizations which will take the form of questionnaires and interviews with the aim to build knowledge and understanding of corporate investments and fund-raising activities into sports for children and people with disabilities. It is planned to survey and interview 20 participants from Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Unlocking Success: A Guide to Measuring Your Corporate Social Responsibility Performance

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a mainstream focus for organizations, extending beyond the realm of a few idealistic companies. The increasing recognition of the close connection between CSR and corporate success, coupled with organizations placing CSR at the core of their strategies, has made measuring CSR performance indispensable.

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Empowering Through Education: The Vital Link Between Parasport, CSR, and Knowledge

In the world of Parasport, education plays a pivotal role in shaping the lives of young athletes with disabilities. This blog delves into the significance of education within Parasport and explores how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives can promote educational programs and awareness. Join us, as members of the Paralympic community, to discover the transformative power of sport in enriching the lives of young athletes, and the paramount role that education plays in their remarkable journeys.

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An international conference titled “CSR for Parasport” has drawn the attention on the social responsibility during the official Hungarian Parasport Day

Since 2018, the Hungarian Paralympic Committee has organized the Hungarian Parasport Day on 22nd February every year, within the framework they also organize an international conference. This year’s event was dedicated to the topic „CSR for Parasport”, the invited lecturers spoke about the social responsibility to the audience attending the event in person or online.

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Promoting Inclusion and Diversity in Parasport through Corporate Social Responsibility

In the world of Parasport, inclusivity, and diversity are fundamental pillars that drive positive change and create opportunities for athletes with disabilities. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a crucial role in fostering these values, as it enables partnerships between Paralympic Committees and CSR companies to work together towards a more inclusive and diverse sports landscape. In this blog, we will explore the transformative power of CSR in promoting inclusion and diversity in Parasport, highlighting the collaborative efforts that drive positive change within the Paralympic community.

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Understanding the Distinction between Corporate Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are two related concepts that often overlap but have distinct differences. Philanthropy involves corporate efforts to drive social change through financial contributions, resources, and time. It aims to find long-term solutions to social issues and can take the form of direct giving or partnering with causes. Philanthropy is optional for corporations and is not necessarily limited to the communities where they operate.

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