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CSR for Parasport

Cooperation between Lidl Slovenia and NPC Slovenia as an example of good practice

Lidl Slovenia is a sponsorship partner to numerous teams, associations and European or world championships in different sports. Their sponsorship strategy aims to attract people to participation in sports and active lifestyle as well as stress the importance of healthy nutritious food, especially fresh fruit and vegetable. This supports their business strategy and its sustainability part, which carries out the mission of working for the benefit of humanity, the planet and individuals.

“By being a positive example in supporting selected projects we wish to influence the broader society as we believe we are capable to create a better world together. One of such projects is our long-running partnership with NPC Slovenia, with which we support the development of para sport and are strengthening public awareness about the importance of sport for the disabled,” Lidl explains.

The activities in cooperation with NPC Slovenia also build one of the key pillars of Lidl’s sustainability strategy: doing good for the people. The partnership exceeds the classic sponsorship arrangement as it is founded on joint cooperation and raising public awareness. Together, Lidl and NPC Slovenia strive to support social inclusion of the disabled, and to remove social and systemic obstacles that are preventing the disabled from using all their potential and becoming active members of the society. Together they have therefore built a platform for raising the recognition of para athletes, which constantly addresses the public as well as prejudice about para athletes.

‘Become an Athlete’ program for disabled youth

This is how in 2017, soon after the partnership between Lidl and NPC Slovenia started, the ‘Become an Athlete’ program was launched, aiming to set up a lasting system for the inclusion of disabled youth into sport. The program was a natural upgrade to the initial cooperation, in which Lild provides strategic support in drawing up the program’s content and with execution of activities, while NPC Slovenia as its expert foundation encourages disabled youth to participate in sports programs and activities all over Slovenia. Together they are creating better conditions for the disabled, thus creating better conditions for everyone.

The ‘Become an Athlete’ program encompasses a wide range of initiatives, events and workshops for disabled youth as well as their parents, teachers, PE teachers, local sports clubs, national sports associations, disabled societies and so on. Two other important aspects of the program are increasing the number of trained teachers who are versed in working with disabled children and building a high-quality base of suppliers of sports activities for disabled youth.

The two partners have managed to build solid foundations and spread their activities across Slovenia. The expert public and key institutions carrying out rehabilitation and sporting activities for disabled youth as well as local communities, education institutions and other parties are also being actively included into the activities. Only through participation of all parties – national institutions, local communities, business corporations and the general society – can we create better conditions for para athletes, who are proving over and over again that they can be great role-models for each and every one of us.

Are the effects visible yet?

The ‘Become an Athlete’ project is currently in a phase when its effects are mostly seen in an increasing interest of PE/sports teachers for working with the disabled, as well as in an increased participation of the disabled in clubs and at competitions. In terms of broader society, a gradual break down of stereotypes and increased inclusivity have been detected, since it is easier for the disabled youth who participate in sports to enter the society, they are more confident, and tend to build broader social networks for themselves.

There is much space for improvement, especially with accessibility of sports infrastructure. Slovenia is in great need of a national para sports centre, being one of very few countries without one. The establishment of such a centre would provide a focal point for the development and coordination of para sport, enabling better access to quality programs for disabled youth.

Pre-Paralympic Paris 20204 campaign: NOTHING CAN SEPARATE YOU FROM SPORT

Aiming to attract fan support for Slovenian para athletes and promote Slovenian para sport, Lidl Slovenia and NPC Slovenia partnered up in creating a national campaign carrying the message: ‘Nothing Can Separate You From Sport’.

“In the world of sports, where exceptional achievements and talent are often celebrated, para athletes are not always treated equally – be it that they receive less attention than their non-disabled colleagues, or their results are being stressed because of their physical limitations. But much like all athletes, para athletes just want clear and loud support for their efforts, tenacity and achievements. That was the guideline for creating this campaign,” says Lidl Slovenia. The campaign also uses para athletes’ virtues to inspire and actualize the equality amongst sports and athletes, celebrating the uniqueness of each individual. It showcases para athletes’ strengths, which they really have in common with most non-disabled athletes, and can as such be an inspiration to us all.

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